
High quality Batteries for all applications
In the Bürklin Elektronik online store you will find high-quality batteries (primary cells) for a wide range of applications. Whether for use in small electrical devices such as cameras, flashlights and watches or in permanently installed electronic devices such as smoke detectors: A comprehensive range of primary cells in a wide variety of sizes and variations awaits you. Listed are: 9 V block batteries, button cells (primarily for small electrical devices) as well as battery holders suitable for direct mounting on printed circuit boards or in devices. Want a specific product design? Use the filter function to search for various product features (for example, nominal voltage, capacity or size) for your primary cell.
Service offers & product information at Bürklin Elektronik
If you would like details about the product, please contact our service team at [email protected]! They will answer all your questions about the desired item. Many of the products listed at Bürklin Elektronik are continuously available and ready for shipment immediately after receipt of your order. If there is a delay in delivery, our service staff will inform you of the earliest possible delivery date. Would you like to learn more about electronic components and their applications? In the online magazine you will find informative and expert articles on numerous topics in the field of electrical engineering - read now!