High-quality microcontrollers
Microcontrollers, also called single-chip computer systems, are special semiconductor chips with integrated processors and peripheral functions. These compact computer systems are considered to be particularly powerful. They often also contain program or working memory. Many microcontrollers also have programmable function blocks. These special chips are used as embedded systems in many technical devices that determine our everyday lives. For example, they are used in smartphones, televisions, ATM cards, medical technology instruments, motor vehicles, various control devices, printers, monitors, keyboards and many other devices. When choosing a microcontroller, performance, memory space, possible interfaces and expansion options are factors that determine the purchase.
Advice from our experts at Bürklin Elektronik
Bürklin Elektronik has an exceptionally wide range of microcontrollers. In our online store you will also find everything you need for professional microcontroller development. With regard to the quality of our semiconductors, we rely on the high-quality products of our reliable manufacturing partner companies. You have questions to single models or you don't find your desired product in our online store? Contact the experts at Bürklin Elektronik with confidence! We will be happy to advise you. Write to us at [email protected], or use our practical call-back service!