All categories by Ersa

Since 1921 - with the patent application and the introduction of the first electric soldering iron - Ersa has been a household name in the world of soldering. Today Ersa is the world's largest manufacturer of soldering systems, market and technology leader and, as a system supplier, is responsible for smooth production processes on the customer side. In addition to solder paste printers, reflow, wave and selective soldering machines, the product portfolio also includes SMT / BGA rework systems and SMT / BGA inspection systems for non-destructive optical component inspection.
In the field of hand soldering, the Ersa hand and gas soldering irons, microprocessor-controlled and electronically temperature-controlled soldering & desoldering stations have been the epitome of solidity, reliability, and high performance for decades. High-tech, diversity and precision form a unique combination. The hand soldering program is rounded off with a wide range of accessories such as solder fume extractors or heating plates and an extensive range of soldering tips.
Top technologies, global presence and extensive service and support that is perfectly tailored to customer needs, such as for example, our Ersa training program to become a specialist in soldering technology. Users, whether they come from the trade, industry, or the passionate do-it-yourselfer, always receive the optimal solution to successfully carry out a wide variety of soldering tasks.