Precision tools according to Swiss thoroughness
As precise as a Swiss watch: Ideal-tek is known worldwide for its precision tools for good reason. Since its founding in 1964, the Swiss company has stood for the highest quality and reliability.
The vision: Ideal-tek wants to be the first quality manufacturer of precision instruments that adds value by balancing industrialization and craftsmanship.
At its plant in Ticino in southern Switzerland, Ideal-tek produces special tweezers, cutting tools, pliers and customized tools. The applications for these are many and varied: from microscopy and laboratory work to electronics and semiconductor technology.
In addition to high-quality precision instruments, Ideal-tek also sells products from renowned third-party suppliers. These include microscopes, scalpels and blades, PCB holders, and soldering and desoldering tools. This makes the Swiss company's product range even more extensive, versatile and professional.
Top Product Categories: Tweezers, pliers & optical tools
Ideal-tek is known for its wide range of precision instruments. The extensive range extends from tweezers and pliers to optical tools. Learn more about Ideal-tek's top product categories at Bürklin now!
Tweezers from Ideal-tek
Tweezers from Ideal-tek are used wherever the fine motor skills of human fingers are no longer sufficient. Thanks to the metal or plastic legs and the fine tips, even the smallest objects can be gripped precisely with the tweezers. This is particularly indispensable in the field of electronics, where small components have to be positioned precisely on printed circuit boards.
Depending on the application, tweezers with round, square, pointed, rounded or curved tips are available. Tweezers with cutting tips are also available for cutting soft copper, gold or silver wires.

Pliers from Ideal-tek
Pliers from Ideal-tek are used in a wide variety of technical areas. Whether cutting pliers, gripping pliers or combined pliers: The practical hand tools amplify the power of human hands thanks to the law of leverage.
The decisive factor here is the compressive force of the pliers, which is influenced by the distance between the joint and the handles or pliers head. Whether for the electrical sector or other areas of application: The extensive range of pliers from Ideal-tek is convincing all along the line.

Optical tools from Ideal-tek
With them, even the finest precision work can be done quickly and effectively: Optical tools make it easier to work in hard-to-reach places, such as in automobiles or control cabinets.
The magnifiers, microscopes and accessories from Ideal-tek offer ideal support for maintenance and inspection work. Another plus: Many optical tools have helpful additional functions such as ultra-zoom, live recordings or linking points for smartphone, tablet and co.

Top products: Smart Tweezers, circuit holders and LED magnifier lights
Smart Tweezers
Ideal-tek's ST-5S Smart Tweezers are the optimal choice for SMD component testing and identification. Compact and lightweight, the precision tweezers are an LCR gauge and component identifier in one.
The Smart Tweezers are ideal for measuring capacitance, resistance and inductance of electronic components. It makes troubleshooting complex electronic systems easy as well. The high-speed LCR meter enables automatic component detection and features replaceable gold-plated tips. Another advantage: The device offers a wide measuring range from 0.5 pF, 0.5 μH and 50 mΩ.

Printed circuit holder PCSA-1
Ideal-tek's printed circuit holders of the PCSA series are designed for the assembly and soldering of printed circuit boards. It is easy to disassemble the frames into their individual parts and reassemble them in various combinations. The placement frame is suitable for boards up to 280 x 220 mm and has two adjustable dividers.

LED Magnifier Light 2.25X
Ideal-tek's LED magnifier light is the perfect choice for examining all types of materials that fluoresce during inspection. This includes conformal coatings as well as holograms. Special illumination options allow the LE-WUVE5D lamp to use standard ultraviolet or white LEDs (48 white LEDs, 30 UV LEDs).
The magnifying lamp operates at 400 nm and has an ESD-safe coating to dissipate static energy. Sensitive components are thus optimally protected. Another plus: the fully covered, spring-balanced arm with a large working range.

All categories by ideal-tek