Universal tweezers set, 5-100, Bernstein
Anatomic tweezers are somewhat larger due to their main body and are partially cut (small cross grooves on the tips) for better and stable gripping. They have precise, parallel tips and are used in the medical sector to remove foreign objects. Bent, slightly angled models provide support for work in the laboratory with ergonomic positioning for high grip repetition. Made from quality steel (nickel-plated, not anti-magnetic) or made from Stainless steel (anti-magnetic, non-corrosive and acid-resistant, non-reflective and matt-polished).
Ordering information
- Leatherette bag 12 empty pockets
- 1 x ESD desoldering lever slotted at one ends
- 1 x ESD tin knife pointed sharp blade
- 1 x IC-tweezers 125 mm
- 1 x component tweezers 145 mm jaws insulated
- 1 x anatomical tweezers 150 mm form 22b
- 1 x tweezers 150 mm form 22b teething, insulated
- 1 x thermal tweezers 165 mm form R30 cross tweezers
- 1 x anatomical tweezers 145 mm form 40 serrated
- 1 x tweezers 145 mm form 40 teething, insulated
- 1 x anatomical tweezers 120 mm form 16 serrated
- 1 x universal tweezers 130 mm form PSF stainless steel
- 1 x cross tweezers 160 mm form R29 plastic hand-guard