Aluminum panels with photo resist coating, type Bungard Alucorex.
For efficient and perfect production of front panels, scales, signs etc. Aluminum alloy plate, anodized in a special process and coated with high grade positive photo resist. It takes only a few minutes to produce a front panel. In a positive repro process, the front panel with the mask is exposed to UV light. Subsequent developing strips the photo resist off the exposed parts and removes the anodized coating underneath. The plate is then rinsed and dried. The remaining photo resist is removed with acetone, alcohol, etc. Positive reproduction mode. Depending on the mask, this results in black letters on a blank background or aluminum-colored letters on a black background. The line resolution is very high. Structures narrower than 75 µ can be created by using suitable masks. The material can be processed mechanically by any method (punching, drilling etc.). The letters are mechanically bonded to the panel. They are abrasion-proof, stable to light and resistant to environmental influences. The panel is covered on both sides with a special light-protective film; Format: 240 x 460 mm.
Type: Alc 15, panel thickness 1.5 mm