Infrared thermometer, PCE-MIR 10, PCE Instruments
The digital thermometer has a measuring range of -50 ... +500°C and covers a wide temperature range. With an accuracy of ±2% ±2 °C at 20 ... 500 °C, the digital thermometer is a very precisemeasuring device. For better orientation of the measuring spot,a laser pointer is built into the digital thermometer. This laser onthe digital thermometer has an output power of <1 mW. Theemission value of the digital thermometer is fixed at 0.95.The digital thermometer is used, for example, for surfacetemperature testing of electric motors, combustion engines orheat sinks. Thanks to its compact design, the digitalthermometer is handy and can be easily stowed away.To switch on the digital thermometer, press the measuringbutton. The measurement is then immediately taken by thedigital thermometer. When the button is released, the last valueremains on the display of the digital thermometer until a newmeasurement is taken. Optionally, the digital thermometer canbe equipped with an ISO calibration certificate.