Fixed LED stroboscope, PCE-LES 400, PCE Instruments
A fixed LED stroboscope is a device for permanent installation that generates rapid flashes of light with energy-efficient and long-lasting LEDs. With a wide measurement range of 50 ... 36,000 FPM, a high resolution of 0.1 FPM and an accuracy of 0.01 %, it offers precise and reliable measurements. fixed LED stroboscope can be triggered both internally and externally and supports four external trigger modes. The sensor supply is 12 V and 50 mA with a minimum pulse width of 20 μs. The flash duration varies between 1 and 3 % of the period with a maximum duration of 100 μs. A phase shift of 0 ... 359° can be set and this enables flexible adaptation to different requirements. With an illuminance of 1590 lux at 36,000 FPM and a light source consisting of 20 LEDs, this fixed LED stroboscope produces intense and clear flashes of light. The 2.4- inch LC display ensures user-friendly operation. In addition, the device can double or halve the frequency of the light flashes (FPM), making quick adjustments possible. The compact dimensions of 150 x 115 x 130 mm allow easy mounting on an aluminium slot profile. Power is supplied via 220 V AC at 50 Hz, which ensures stable and reliable operation.