Moisture balance, PCE-MA 200, PCE Instruments
The relative humidity meter PCE-MA 200 allows differentmaterials to be weighed and their moisture contentsdetermined. The heating chamber is heated by halogen lampsup to 199 °C. In this chamber, the relative humidity meter driesthe material to be weighed, and then calculates the moisturecontent from the weight difference. The relative humidity metercan determine the smallest weight differences thanks to areadability of 0.001 g. The results are displayed on the large LCDdisplay. Up to 15 different drying programs can be stored in thememory of the relative humidity meter. Accordingly, the relativehumidity meter is suitable for quality control of wood products,granules, pellets, feed, food, pastes and more. With the included100 g weight, the relative humidity meter can be calibrated atany time.
- Heating chamber for moisture determination
- Memory for up to 15 drying programs
- Adjustable drying temperature and time
- Calibration function for readjustment