Moisture balance, PCE-MA 200TS, PCE Instruments
The absolute moisture meter has a measuring range of 0 ...100% absolute humidity. The absolute moisture meter isoperated via the 5" large touchscreen. To measure the moisturecontent with the absolute moisture meter, a sample is evenlydistributed on the sample pan. The sample pan is then placedand sealed in the absolute moisture meter. After setting allparameters, the absolute moisture meter begins themeasurement.The absolute moisture meter determines the moisture contentbased on the measured weight difference, relative to the weightbefore and after drying the sample. The adjustable temperaturerange for the absolute moisture meter is between 40 ... 165 °C.Thus, a specific drying temperature for the sample can beselected with the absolute moisture meter. The generateddrying temperature is produced by a built-in halogen lamp witha diameter of 90 mm.The drying process of the sample makes the absolute moisturemeter usable in various fields.