Our large selection of power semiconductors
Power semiconductors are essential components of power electronics. They are responsible for controlling and switching high electrical currents and voltages. Therefore, they consist of conventional semiconductor devices that have been specially upgraded to operate smoothly in high current and voltage ranges. Normal semiconductor components would be damaged or even destroyed if the amperes and voltages were too high. Power semiconductors are used in transportation technology, in industry, in mechanical engineering and basically in HVDC (high voltage direct current) transmission. They are also used in all those areas where the transformation or adaptation of voltage, current or frequencies is necessary. Depending on the application, Bürklin Elektronik has a large selection of individual power semiconductor models.
Advice from our experts at Bürklin Elektronik
In our large power semiconductor assortment you will find Bipolar Transistors, High Side Switches, Low Side Switches , MOSFETs , Power Modules , Thyristors and IGBTs . You have questions to single models or you don't find your desired product in our online store? Contact the experts at Bürklin Elektronik with confidence! We will be happy to advise you. Write to us at [email protected], or use our practical call-back service!